Kana Draw :: Full Changelog

All outlined changes from the latest build and previous builds are detailed here.

Legend: [ + ] Addition [ - ] Deletion [ * ] Change [ ! ] Bug Fix

v4.1.4 [ 2024-08-30 ]

[ * ] Updated libraries
[ * ] Stroke stroke grading algorithm
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v4.1.3 [ 2024-02-23 ]

[ + ] New 'Drill Mode' available on mistake prompt
[ * ] Updated libraries
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v4.1.2 [ 2023-11-14 ]

[ ! ] Fixed problem with re-use of paid unlock option
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v4.1.1 [ 2023-08-25 ]

[ ! ] Fixed problem with sound auto play setting
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v4.1.0 [ 2023-08-24 ]

[ ! ] Fixed big bug of improper Hiragana/Katakana matching on characters when 0% visibility
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v4.0.1 [ 2023-06-26 ]

[ * ] Adjustments to stroke grading algorithm.
[ * ] Changing quizzing for confusion created from ji and zu.
[ ! ] Fixed icons not showing in help.
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v4.0.0 [ 2023-05-29 ]

[ * ] New canvas drawing layout
[ + ] 0% transparency on background template
[ * ] New transparency rules for silver and gold achievement
[ + ] New help view (english only)
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v3.3.5 [ 2023-02-01 ]

[ * ] Library Upgrades
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v3.3.4 [ 2023-01-31 ]

[ ! ] State of Hiragana/Katakana selection fix
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v3.3.3 [ 2022-10-05 ]

[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v3.3.2 [ 2022-09-22 ]

[ ! ] Fix Android 12 widget update bug
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v3.3.1 [ 2022-09-02 ]

[ ! ] Fixed study set filtering input which wasn't working
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes

v3.3.0 [ 2018-03-11 ]

[ * ] Updated design to more modern look
[ + ] By user request added audio for characters
[ ! ] Fixed crash when redo button is pressed when disabled

v3.2.4 [ 2016-03-27 ]

[ + ] By user request added launch button from character view
[ + ] Added new top button to bring mistake pop-up
[ + ] Added button in mistake pop-up to redo the character
[ ! ] Marshmellow Crash fix - Sorry it took so long

v3.1.0 [ 2014-09-18 ]

[ + ] Added ability to turn off mistake pop-up in settings
[ + ] Added new top button to bring mistake pop-up
[ + ] Added button in mistake pop-up to redo the character
[ * ] New icons

v3.0.5 [ 2014-08-07 ]

[ + ] New 'Extra Forgiving' tolerance level for frustrated users
[ ! ] Level 14 pop-up fix. (Thx Juan)
[ ! ] Crashes for Android v3.0 & v3.1 users
[ ! ] Issue with restoring previous purchases (Thx Petr)

v3.0.0 [ 2014-06-15 ]

[ * ] Complete rewrite
[ + ] Adjustable Canvas
[ + ] New Achievements and levels
[ * ] Real characters instead of computer fonts
[ * ] Better stroke guide and instruction flow

v2.5.4.2876 [ 2013-07-18 ]

[ + ] Stylus input only support for >= 4.0 devices. [Thx Ed]
[ * ] Update theme on preferences page.

v2.5.3.2871 [ 2013-07-03 ]

[ ! ] Stroke direction fix. [Thx Anon]

v2.5.2.2866 [ 2013-05-28 ]

[ ! ] 1920x1080 high res screen fix. [Thx Jaa]

v2.5.1.2809 [ 2013-03-14 ]

[ ! ] Hardware acceleration causing loss of background fix. [Thx John]
[ * ] Change to amount of frequency characters with low accuracy are shown. [Thx Enzo]

v2.5.2794 [ 2013-03-02 ]

[ + ] Widget of rotating characters to help motivate you.

v2.4.2769 [ 2013-02-16 ]

[ + ] Custom study sets. [Thx Boris]

v2.3.2590 [ 2012-11-08 ]

[ ! ] Scaling fix for Nexus 4.

v2.2.2583 [ 2012-11-08 ]

[ ! ] Fixed scaling issue of character. [Big Thx Mike]

v2.1.2573 [ 2012-10-30 ]

[ * ] Minor font change in hiragana characters.
[ * ] Help file updated to reflect new buttons and trend.
[ ! ] Minor forgotten control fixes after new style upgrade.
[ ! ] utf-8 chracters not showing up properly in help for OS 4.x.x.
[ + ] Pay option to remove ads.
[ ! ] Bug with canvas title.

v2.0.2572 [ 2012-10-18 ]

[ ! ] Device alignment issues (Note, Nexus7, etc).
[ * ] Small screen support (sort of).
[ + ] Character trends (last 10 results).
[ * ] Changed canvas buttons.
[ * ] Character information layout changed.
[ * ] Minor style changes for Jelly Bean.
[ * ] In test mode stroke guide only shows up on mistake.
[ * ] Based on user request, added text above character options to practice mode.
[ + ] Analytics added.

v1.7.2443 [ 2012-02-22 ]

[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.

v1.6.2262 [ 2012-01-27 ]

[ ! ] Locale swapping bug.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.

v1.5.2255 [ 2012-01-20 ]

[ + ] Korean translation added (However, mostly via Google translator).
[ * ] Japanese translation changes.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.

v1.4.2244 [ 2012-01-11 ]

[ + ] Support for high resolution, high density screens (i.e. Galaxy Nexus).
[ * ] Minor modifications for Ice Cream Sandwich.

v1.3.2238 [ 2011-12-07 ]

[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.
[ * ] Modified fonts to better represent hand written style of characters.

v1.2.4.2209 [ 2011-11-09 ]

[ ! ] Nullpointer crash fix.

v1.2.1.2207 [ 2011-11-07 ]

[ + ] HD compatibility for tablet devices. (i.e. Landscape orientation)
[ + ] Uniform font to avoid alternate font packs loading on different regions and devices. (i.e. Galaxy Tab 10.1)
[ ! ] Forced orientation unlocked where possible.
[ * ] Reduced time between loading next character by half.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fix for out of memory and bad token errors.

v1.1.2167 [ 2011-09-29 ]

[ * ] English meaning above character now appears as active pen colour.
[ ! ] Database not closing properly fix.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fix for out of memory error.
[ * ] Updated help file to discuss new features.

v1.0.2063 [ 2011-09-26 ]

[ * ] Initial build deployed to market.