Kanji Draw :: Full Changelog
All outlined changes from the latest build and previous builds are detailed here.
Legend: [ + ] Addition [ - ] Deletion [ * ] Change [ ! ] Bug Fix
v5.0.0 [ 2024-03-04 ]
[ * ] New canvas drawing layout
[ + ] 0% transparency on background template
[ * ] New transparency rules for silver and gold achievement
[ + ] New help view (english only)
[ + ] New 'Drill Mode' available on mistake prompt
[ * ] Complete update to new UI libraries
[ * ] Updated libraries
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes
v4.3.1 [ 2022-10-13 ]
[ ! ] Fixed annoying study set character search reload.
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes.
v4.3.0 [ 2022-10-11 ]
[ * ] Built on new Android libraries and Java 11.
[ ! ] Fix widget
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes.
v4.2.4 [ 2020-01-01 ]
[ ! ] Character Fixes
[ ! ] Pie Crash Fix
[ * ] Search/Filter feature added to custom study set listing (User Requests)
[ ! ] Minor bug and typo fixes.
v4.2.1 [ 2017-11-26 ]
[ + ] Search/Filter feature added to custom study set listing (User Requests)
v4.2.1 [ 2016-03-15 ]
[ ! ] Marshmellow Crash Fix - (Sorry this took so long)
v4.0.0 [ 2014-08-07 ]
[ * ] Complete rewrite
[ + ] Adjustable Canvas
[ + ] New Achievements and levels
[ * ] Real characters instead of computer fonts
[ * ] Better stroke guide and instruction flow
[ * ] Better Study Set Management
v3.4.5.2875 [ 2013-07-18 ]
[ + ] Stylus input only support for >= 4.0 devices. [Thx Ed]
[ * ] Update theme on preferences page.
v3.4.4.2867 [ 2013-05-28 ]
[ ! ] 1920x1080 high res screen fix. [Thx Jaa]
v3.4.3.2813 [ 2013-03-18 ]
[ ! ] Hardware acceleration causing loss of background fix. [Thx John]
v3.4.2.2803 [ 2013-03-12 ]
[ * ] Background can now be set brighter for outdoor settings. [Thx Enzo]
[ ! ] Crash fix.
v3.4.1.2799 [ 2013-03-07 ]
[ ! ] Fixed spacing issues with gingerbread era handsets. [Thx Barbara]
v3.4.2798 [ 2013-03-04 ]
[ + ] Widget of rotating characters to help motivate you.
v3.3.2.2773 [ 2012-02-20 ]
[ ! ] Bug in purchase ad removal not being credited. [Big thx Nadira]
[ * ] Translation wording change.
v3.3.1.2594 [ 2012-12-07 ]
[ * ] Example sentence corrections.
v3.3.2591 [ 2012-12-03 ]
[ + ] Example sentences.
[ ! ] Scaling fix for Nexus 4.
[ ! ] On/Kunyomi mistake. [Thx Raineiro]
v3.2.2587 [ 2012-11-20 ]
[ + ] Kanji content +6%.
[ + ] Pay option to remove ads and replace with char info.
v3.1.2584 [ 2012-11-08 ]
[ ! ] Fixed scaling issue. [Big Thx Mike]
[ ! ] utf-8 chracters not showing up properly in help for OS 4.x.x.
[ ! ] Bug with canvas title.
v3.0.2570 [ 2012-10-15 ]
[ ! ] Device alignment issues (Note, Nexus7, etc).
[ * ] Small screen support (sort of).
[ + ] Custom study sets.
[ + ] Character trends (last 10 results).
[ * ] Changed canvas buttons.
[ * ] Character information layout changed.
v2.10.2563 [ 2012-09-05 ]
[ + ] Kanji content +5%.
[ * ] Minor style changes for Jelly Bean.
v2.9.2.2561 [ 2012-08-29 ]
[ ! ] Reset button not unlocking the canvas properly in certain scenarios. [Thx Nick]
[ * ] Changed the next character arrow image.
v2.9.1.2556 [ 2012-08-20 ]
[ * ] Error pauses longer and shows character outline.
[ * ] In test mode stroke guide only shows up on mistake.
[ * ] Based on user request, Onyomi/Kunyomi separated in two lines to remove confusion. [Thx Vela]
[ + ] New buttons allow you to cycle through (English Meaning, Onyomi/Kunyomi or Example Compound).
[ * ] Based on user request, added text above character options to practice mode.
[ + ] Analytics added.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.
v2.8.2461 [ 2012-02-28 ]
[ + ] Based on user request, added On and Kun readings. [Thx Chris]
[ * ] Text above character can now be (Nothing, English Meaning, Onyomi/Kunyomi or Example Compound).
v2.7.2444 [ 2012-02-22 ]
[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.
v2.6.2261 [ 2012-01-24 ]
[ ! ] Locale swapping bug.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.
v2.5.2256 [ 2012-01-20 ]
[ + ] Korean translation added (However, mostly via Google translator).
[ * ] Japanese translation changes.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.
v2.4.2245 [ 2012-01-11 ]
[ + ] Support for high resolution, high density screens (i.e. Galaxy Nexus).
[ * ] Minor modifications for Ice Cream Sandwich.
v2.3.2241 [ 2011-12-13 ]
[ + ] JPLT N4 Kanji to 100%.
[ ! ] English meaning linkage fix.
[ ! ] Stroke fixes on existing characters.
v2.2.2235 [ 2011-11-30 ]
[ + ] JPLT N4 Kanji to 75%.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fixes.
[ ! ] Added missing examples and chracter fonts.
v2.1.1.2227 [ 2011-11-19 ]
[ ! ] Hot fix for NullPointer on canvas start up.
v2.1.2222 [ 2011-11-16 ]
[ + ] Database creation retry and dialog added on failure. (Not sure why people are experiencing this
so please contact us to help us fix the problem)
v2.0.2216 [ 2011-11-14 ]
[ * ] Database redesigned to accommodate gradual progression of Kanji. (Your existing progress should migrate. If not we apologize if you lose it or have to reinstall.)
[ + ] Japanese Grade 2 Kanji 100% completed.
[ + ] Ability to specify study sets for desired grade target.
[ + ] Ability to sort listings. ( Stroke Count, Grade, etc )
[ + ] HD compatibility for tablet devices. (i.e. Landscape orientation)
[ + ] Uniform font to avoid chinese character versions and alternate font packs.
[ ! ] Forced orientation unlocked where possible.
[ * ] Reduced time between loading next character by half.
v1.4.4.2210 [ 2011-11-09 ]
[ ! ] Nullpointer crash fix.
v1.4.2.2205 [ 2011-11-07 ]
[ * ] Reduced time between loading next character by half.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fix for out of memory error.
v1.4.1.2167 [ 2011-09-29 ]
[ + ] Based on user request, added filtering and study set options. (Thx Dave)
[ * ] Based on user request for darker English meaning above character, changed to active pen colour. (Thx m k)
[ - ] Removed splash screen.
[ ! ] Database not closing properly fix.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fix for out of memory error.
[ + ] Added ads to canvas view.
[ * ] Updated help file to discuss new features.
[ ! ] 1.4.1 stroke order fix. (Thx Oscar)
v1.3.2146 [ 2011-09-17 ]
[ ! ] Added code to make sure user images don't show up in other media application such as Gallery.
[ ! ] Database not closing properly fix.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fix for out of memory error.
v1.2.2131 [ 2011-09-04 ]
[ + ] Preference option to show English meaning on the top of character in Test Mode. (Suggested by our first commenter Caphyrelle)
[ * ] Stroke button in Test Mode now will show full character details as well as current stroke count for quicker access.
[ * ] Updated help file to discuss new features.
[ ! ] Crash prevention fix in Canvas view and Recent listing.
v1.1.2119 [ 2011-08-14 ]
[ + ] Pop-up added to menu in Canvas view to show full details of current character.
[ + ] Preference option to toggle between English and Japanese in settings.
[ * ] Accuracy algorithm modified aimed at reducing over targeting of mistakes.
[ + ] English meanings added with option to substitute with compounds in settings.
[ ! ] Minor bug fixes. (i.e. typos, list refreshing, new pop-up windows, crash prevention, etc)
v1.0.2014 [ 2011-07-25 ]
[ * ] Initial build deployed to market.